Serving Every Ohioan
The Galion Public Library is now fully connected to the SEO Consortium, a group of over 100 public libraries scattered around the state of Ohio. In our new catalog, you can now place holds on materials from any of these libraries, and they will be sent here for you to check out. In order to take advantage of this, you will need to set your password so that you can log in to the catalog. You can call or stop by the library to do this at any time, starting Thursday, December 12th.
Ohio Digital Library
Your Galion Public Library card gains you access to the Ohio Digital Library, a huge collection of electronic books, audiobooks, and other materials. Get them on your computer, phone, ebook reader, tablet, or other device.
Libby Get library ebooks on your phone.
Ohio Web Library journal articles, homework help, health info, and more
Heritage Quest genealogy and family history
Wireless Printing Send your print jobs to our network printer, and pick them up at the circulation desk.
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