Friends of the Library Meeting
The Friends will meet in the Community Room.
- Tue, Apr 1st, 5:30-8pm
- Tue, May 6th, 5:30-8pm
- Tue, Jun 3rd, 5:30-8pm
- Tue, Jul 1st, 5:30-8pm
- Tue, Aug 5th, 5:30-8pm
- Tue, Sep 2nd, 5:30-8pm
- Tue, Oct 7th, 5:30-8pm
- Tue, Dec 2nd, 5:30-8pm
Stitch Club
Know how to sew, knit, crochet, or any other fiber craft? Don't know how to do any of these crafts but want to learn? We will help you learn how!
We meet on the 4th Tuesday of the Month at 5:30pm. For all ages! We welcome children, teens and adults too! (Read More.)Bring something you are currently working on and join others just like you! We will talk about our latest challenges and triumphs in our craft, trade patterns, and meet new friends.
Spring Book Sale
Please join the Friends of the Library for their semi-annual sale. Materials for sale include books, movies, music, and puzzles. All items are sold on a donation basis (without specified prices).
Thu, May 8th, 9:30-8pm, Fri, May 9th, 9:30-5pm, and Sat, May 10th, 10:30-1:30pm.
Watch this space for more Friends of the Library news.