Installing Drivers for the Library's Network Printer
These instructions are for installing drivers on a laptop running Microsoft Windows Eleven, to allow it to print to the network laser printer (Doubleday) at the Galion Public Library, while connected to the public wireless internet access at the library.
These instructions might also work with Windows Eight and Windows Ten, but we have only tested them with Windows Eleven.
  1. Connect your laptop to the library's public wireless access (GPL Guest).
  2. Download the printer driver for the HP LaserJet Enterprise M611. If you trust the library (and your system is 64-bit with an AMD-compatible processor), you can just click here to download the driver installer from us.
    80932224 bytes; sha256 sum 6384ab6eeb8dcb97934d044978a660f22245bc76219be079041d246a405c2bd4
    Better yet, you can get it directly from the HP support website.
  3. Wait for the driver file to finish downloading. This may take a few minutes.
  4. Right-click the downloaded exe file, and choose Run as Administrator from the context menu. User Account Control will prompt for permission to make changes to your system; this is expected, because installing hardware drivers is an administrative function. Say yes, supplying the admin password if required.
  5. Click the Continue button.
  6. Checkmark I have reviewed and accept the installation agreement, and click the Accept button.
  7. You can say No Thanks to the Printer Analytics question.
  8. You can say No Thanks to the Application Analytics question.
  9. For Connection Options, say that the printer is connected to a Wired Network. Click Next. After a moment, you will be prompted to connect the cable, which we have already done. Click Next again.
  10. If the Unable to Find the Device message comes up, there will be a blank for specifying the IP address. Fill in, and hit the Enter key. Note that this address is inherently local, and is not reachable from outside the library. This is why you have to be connected to the library's wireless access point, in order to use our printer in this way. The printer is not directly reachable from outside our network. If you need to submit print jobs from home, you can use the web upload form.
  11. If the installer warns you that The Device and Computer are Connected to Different Networks, don't worry. This is normal (we have multiple subnets) and doesn't cause any problems with printing. Click the Next button.
  12. Once the installer asks you whether you will be using the printer at home or in a business, the printer has been successfully installed. You can continue finishing out the installer if you like, but it isn't necessary. If you want to be done, you can use the Task Manager to end the DeviceSetup.exe process, and the HP-DQEX 5.exe process.
  13. You may wish to change some settings. To access them, open the Control Panel, choose Device and Printers, Printers & Scanners, and click on HP LaserJet M610 M611 M612 PCL-6 (V4) (Network)
  14. Printer properties will allow you to do things like rename the printer (so you can remember that it is the one at the library). After changing the name, you will need to go back to the printer list and re-select the printer under its new name before you can make any additional changes.
  15. Printing preferences will allow you to do things like change whether the printer will default to single-sided or front-and-back.
  16. From now on, whenever you are connected to the library's guest wireless access point, you should be able to print to this printer. The library's prices and policies apply as usual, but note that donalbain is a black and white printer; it cannot print in color.